Process Analyzer Command Line Interface
The command line interface allows licensed customers to analyze all projects at once, and allows formatting override using an xml formatter file to define changes to the generated output
- -short --long argument
- -l --url https://server:port/ccm - This is the URL to the RTC server
- -u --username username - Username who is a member of the target project
- -p --password password - Password of the username above
- -o --output-dir outputDir - Directory to store the output. A subdirectory will be created for each project analyzed
- Project Selection
- Must select either one project (-r) or all projects (-a), not both
- -r --project "JUnit Project" - Process the one named project
- -a --all-projects - Analyze all projects of which the user is a member
- (Optional) -x --xml-formatter pathToFormatter.xml - The XML file which defines formatting overrides
- (Optional) -g --graphviz pathToGraphvizDot.exe - Path to dot.exe within the graphviz installation
- Analyze All Projects where the user is a member using graphviz
java -jar pathto.jar -l https://server:port/ccm -u username -p password -o outputDir -a -g pathToGraphvizDot.exe
- Override the output using XML for All projects
java -jar pathto.jar -l https://server:port/ccm -u username -p password -o outputDir -a -x pathToFormatter.xml
- Analyze JUnit Project using graphviz and overridding output using XML
java -jar pathto.jar --url https://server:port/ccm --username username --password password --output-dir outputDir --project "JUnit Project" --xml-formatter pathToFormatter.xml --graphviz pathToGraphvizDot.exe